

(University of Delhi)

Accredited by NAAC with ‘A’ Grade

Department of Commerce

Department of Commerce

About the Department

Department of Commerce is one of the best departments of commerce amongst colleges at the University of Delhi. It is also the largest department of the college specializing in multiple areas of discipline with a concrete and expanding body of research work. The Department envisions a holistic development of its students by giving them the exposure to leadership and entrepreneurship under various societies, viz. Commerce Association, Marketing Society and 180 Degree Consulting.

The Commerce Association is a prominent association of the college representing the Department of Commerce for 12 years since its inception in 2009. The Association organizes a myriad of events throughout the year, a few of which are Contrivance- A Case Study Competition, Uddayam – the Annual Commerce Fest, Adwitiya- Talent Hunt Show for specially-abled students, Business Colloquium- A series of workshops covering multiple aspects of the corporate world and numerous webinars, workshops and academic talks by eminent personalities to disseminate knowledge among the audience in the discipline of commerce. The Association has witnessed a consistent increase in the footfall of its events. Uddayam-2022 received participation of over 2000 students across universities. This year the Association broke all previous records during Adwitya by collaborating with more than 10 NGOs and receiving over 50 entries despite the online mode.

The Marketing Society was formed with the vision to provide fervent knowledge and practical exposure in the domain of marketing. The society is known for ditching conventional methods and working on rigorous skill-building for the real world. It intends to give exposure to students where they can learn how to promote themselves and their work. This year, the society published articles on a variety of engaging topics, including the marketing of global culture, how Barbenheimer’s marketing strategy broke records, and many more. The society also conducted Mark talks in which notable IIM alumni, marketing PhD holders, among others, were invited and was also engaged in live projects with Rrayze, Zxy Marketing, and SocioEZ. It also successfully organised Articulate 2.0, an online article writing competition that drew over 100+ engaging submissions from students across India. Marksoc’s annual event Elixir’23, with a footfall of 500+, was filled to the brim with a myriad of events that tested every ounce of marketing or marketing-esque knowledge one could ever gain! Encapsulated with events varying from marketing baffling combinations to the real-life application of mythical products, Elixir’23 incorporated within itself two fun-filled and spectacular events: Mythical Showdown and Pairing Prodigy in offline mode. Additionally, it published its annual newsletter, packed with exciting content and highlighting the society’s numerous achievements.

180 Degrees Consulting is the world’s largest student-run consultancy for non-profits & social enterprises. The society in the past year provided strategy consulting services to 4 Social Enterprises with a cumulative Net Promoter Score of a perfect +100. It conducted 10+ training sessions with mentors from prestigious firms such as McKinsey, Bain, Deloitte, Accenture, KPMG, etc. covering consulting and further education as topics. The society provided global exposure to our consultants by sending them for global panel discussions and networking events.

Apart from this, the Department provides a significant contribution to other societies like YES, ENACTUS, and Finance and Investment Society. The Department publishes Peer Reviewed Refereed ‘Journal of Business Studies’ that provides the researchers a major platform to publish their quality research work. The department also organizes an International Conference every year which sees participation from across the globe.

Faculty Profile


Prof. Arun Kumar Attree


Prof. Harish Handa


Dr. Kalpana Gupta


Prof. Anil Kumar


Prof. Meera Mehta


Prof. Shivani Arora


Dr. Sonika Sharma


Dr. Shalini Gupta

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Prof. Shikha Gupta (1) (Teacher in charge)


Mr. A. Sivasankran

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Dr. Vandana Dahiya

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Prof. Ruchi Gupta


Prof. Suneel Kumar

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Dr. Shikha Gupta (2)

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Prof. Rakesh Kumar


Prof. Pooja Goel (On Leave)

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Prof. Noopur Agrawal

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Mr. Sundeep Trehan


Dr. Shuchi Priya Mittal


Mr. Raj Kumar Aggarwal


Dr. Aarti Saini

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Dr. Gunjan Singh

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Dr. Vikas Pangtu


Dr. Meetakshi Pant


Dr. Leela Joshi


Dr. Pooja Talwar

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Ms. Manju Tanwar

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Dr. Ravi Kant

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Mr. Biplab Kumar Dey

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Dr. Saher Sayed


Mr. Vikram Meena


Dr. Chandni Aswal

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Ms. Subathra V


Mr. Jayakar Sodagiri

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Mr. Anil Kumar

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Ms. Prerna Soni

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Mr. Aman Verma

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Mr. Hashir Mairaj

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Ms. Nupur Bhati

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Ms. Pooja Rani


Ms. Parul Saini

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Mr. Ravi Yadav

Mr. Amol Deepak Nerkar


Dr. Vibha Lamba

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Dr. Vikram Singh


Dr. Mohit Kumar


Mr. Ayushmaan

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Mr. Shivam Jindal

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Mr. Tarun Kumar

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Dr. Nisha Gupta

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Dr. Ranjana Thakur


Dr. Vishal Garg

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Ms. Shivangi Dhawan

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Dr. Vijay Vrat Arya

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Ms. Neyati Ahuja

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Dr. Divya Mehta

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Dr. Amrita Kaur

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Dr. Rishabh Gupta

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Dr. Sahil Ramchandani

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Dr. Neha Nainwal


Dr. Rati Dhillon


Dr. Rajeev Kumar Upadhyay

Journal of Business Studies

The Journal of Business Studies is a Peer Reviewed Refereed Journal of Department of Commerce, Shaheed Bhagat Singh College (NAAC Accredited ‘A’ Grade College), University of Delhi. The Department of Commerce has been bringing out this journal for last more than 35 years. The Department obtained the required International Standard Serial Number (ISSN: 0975-0150) for it in the year 2008. The journal is intenst to provide the researchers a major platform to study various business and management issues in the areas of finance, accounting, marketing, international business, economics, human resource management and organizational behavior and human relations (OBHR). Work reflecting inter-disciplinary nature of commerce, business and management and dove-tailing emerging horizons are also considered relevant for the journal. The journal publishes research papers based on empirical work in the above mentioned areas. However, articles based purely on original theoretical work are also considered for publication in exceptional cases. The papers/articles contributed by authors for publication in the journal are submitted for a 2-stage review process. First stage, preliminary review is done by the Editorial Team of the college comprising members with varied areas of interest and expertise. Second stage, blind review is performed by eminent academicians and scholars from outside the college who have the required expertise in the related fields.

For more details about the Journal of Business Studies, please visit the website


Research Projects

S. NoDepartmentName of the Investigator(s)Title of the ProjectDuration of the ProjectSponsoring AgencySanctioned Amount (Rs.)Status/Year
1.CommerceProf. Anil KumarCorporate Governance in Consumer Electronics Industry in India.2 YearsUniversity of DelhiCompleted (2008)
2.Prof.Shivani Arora and Dr. Daniel Okunbor (Fayetielle University, United States)Social Networking-A comparative Analysis of perceptions of Undergraduate Students in India and the United States2 YearsNoneCompleted (2023)
3.Dr. Vijay Vrat AryaA Study of Multidisciplnary Education in Indian6 MonthsICSSRCompleted (2023)


S. NoDepartmentNameBook TitlePublisherISBN/LinkYearIndexed if any
CommerceProf. Anil Kumar“An easy and systematic approach to Financial Accounting”National Book Centre, India.ISBN: 978-93-85071-74-4.2023
“An easy and systematic approach to Management Accounting” for B. Com. (Hons.) semester V, as per the CBSC & amp; NEP, UGCF, University of DelhiISBN: 978-81-955548-98.2022
“An easy and systematic approach to Management Accounting” for B. Com. semester VI, as per the CBSC & amp; NEP, UGCF, University of DelhiISBN: 978-81-955548-67.2022
An easy and systematic approach to cost accounting” For B. Com, semester IV, as per the CBCS , University of Delhi.ISBN: 978-81-953142-3-2.2021
“An easy and systematic approach to cost accounting” For B. Com (Hons.) semester IV, as per the CBCS , University of DelhiISBN: 978-81-953142-0-1.2021
“An Easy & Systematic Approach to Cost Accounting for CA/CS/CMA. Part A.ISBN: 978-81-955548-5-0.2021
“एक आसान और व्यवस्थित दृश्टि कोंण लागत लेखांकन” For B. Com (Hons.) semester IV, as per the CBCS , University of DelhiISBN: 978-81-953142-5-6.2021
2.Prof. Shivani Arora“E-Commerce” for CBCSTaxmann PublishersISBN: 978-93-86635-53-22017
“E-Commerce” for Odissa UniversityISBN: 978-93-86635-78-5,2017
E-Commerce-A New Business ToolLambert Academic Publication, GermenyISBN : 978-3-8465-5689-42011
E-CommerceR Chand & Co 1, New Delhi, ISBN: 81-8045-004-X2010
3.Prof. Ruchi Gupta and Mr. Jayakar SodagiriPrinciples of Marketing (for the syllabus of B.Com.(H) and B.Com. courses of University of Delhi and other central universities in India, as per the latest NEP guidelines)Publisher : Scholar Tech PressISBN: 978-93-91720-10-0,
Link : tg1m
2023 (first edition)
4.Prof. Ruchi GuptaAdvertising and Personal Selling (for the CBCS syllabus of B.Com.(H)and B.Com. Courses of University of Delhi and other central universities in India)ISBN: 978-93-91720-00-1
Link :
2021, 2022, 2023 (first, second, and third editions)
Advertising (for the CBCS syllabus ofB.Com. (H) and B.Com. Courses of University of Delhi and other central universities in India)ISBN: 3917922017,2018,2019,2020 (first edition and revised editions)
5.Prof. Suneel KumarSustainable Rural Tourism in Himalayan Foothills Environmental, Social and Economic Challenges: A Study of Himachal PradeshSpringer Cham, ISBN: 978-3-031-40098-8.
6.Prof. Rakesh KumarBook Published One : Contempora Ry Issues In Marketing, Global Vision Publishing House, New DelhiISBN: 978-81-8220-775-2
7.Dr. Noopur AgrawalFundamentals of Retailing : Text & Cases published by HimalayaPublishing House, Mumbai, India2009
8.Ms. Manju TanwarPersonal Selling and SalesmanshipGalgotia Publishing CompanyISBN- 10
Link: wqq0AY
9.Dr. Ravi kantNew Concepts of Financial Management Opportunities and ChallengesGlobal Vision Publishing House New Delhi. ISBN: 978-81-8220-771-4
Maketing Managemnet Challenges and OppoutunitiesISBN: 978-81-8220-800-1
10.Dr. Vijay Vrat AryaElements of Banking and InsuranceMihaana GlobalISBN: 978-81-954284-1-02022
Corporate Governance and CSR: Principles, Policies and PracticesNew VisionISBN: 978-81-949466-8-72021
Business Finance: The Changing ScenarioISBN: 978-81-949466-5-62021
India’s International RelationsISBN: 978-81-949466-0-12021
Strategic ManagementISBN: 978-81-949466-6-32021
Entrepreneurship DevelopmentKBC-Nano Publication Pvt. LtdISBN: 978-93-83918-41-62020
Banking Practices and AnalysisIGNOU and Centum Learning Ltd.ISBN: 978-81-266-5755-12011
11.Dr. Rishabh Gupta and Dr. Neha NainwalFundamental of Financial ManagementSun India Publication ISBN: 978-93-85071-84-3
Link : https://www.urbanb s-of-financial-manag ement-by-ritu-sapra -2023-p

Student Achievments

Coming soon


Financial Literacy Workshop

The Department of Commerce, in collaboration with the Committee for Promotion of Financial Literacy, University of Delhi organized a workshop on “Financial Literacy: Prosperity and Wealth” on 22nd June 2023. Prominent speakers and resource persons at the workshop included Dr. R.P. Tulsian (Chairman, Committee for Promotion of Financial Literacy), Prof. Amit Kumar Singh, (Department of Commerce), and Shri Suryakant Sharma, a senior consultant at AMFI and the former DGM of SEBI.

Department Societies: In addition to classroom teaching, the department strives to educate its students holistically by exposing them to leadership and entrepreneurship through its many societies,. viz. Commerce Association, Marketing Society, 180 Degree Consulting and Ardent. This year all the four societies of the Department organized their Annual Fests under a common umbrella – COMMFEST 2024.

Details of the activities conducted during the year by all these societies are as follows:

COMSOC: The Commerce Association

(Convenor: Ms. Leela Joshi; Co-Convenor: Ms. Manju Tanwar)

  1. Commerce Association Alumni Relationship Program (CAARP): Organised its first Alumni Relationship Program (CAARP) on 26th August 2023. The panel included the esteemed alumni of the society and they addressed the freshers on various issues including their career choices and other related endeavors. 
  2. Adwitiya – Annual  Flagship Event of Commerce Association: Eighth Edition of Adwitiya- Hunar aur Jazbe ka Sangam, a talent-show for the specially abled, was  organized on 4th November 2023, with an enthusiastic presence of over 200 audience. The event was graced by Mr. Dependra Pathak, IPS, Special Commissioner of Police, Law and Order Division as Chief Guest and Shri Rajendra Singh Ji as Guest of Honor.
  3. Contrivance – The Case Study Competition: Ninth Edition of Contrivance was organized on 14th March The event had an active participation of over 500 participants. The theme of this year’s event was- “Navigating Strategic Alliances: Elevation through Collaborative Mergers”.
  4. Uddayam – The Annual Commerce Fest celebrated its fifteenth edition on April 26–27, The event saw the participation of approximately 1500 participants from various colleges competing in 4 different competitions namely- ResQ Bid, Mad Men Marketing, Rogue Trader and Estate Enigma, challenging and testing their skills and acumen in the field of commerce. Designed to challenge and inspire the brightest minds, Uddayam offers a platform for students to showcase their talents, sharpen their skills and unlock their potential through a series of dynamic competitions.
  5. Commerce Association website launched: In the 15th edition of Uddayam, COMSOC has successfully launched its official website as

Webinar & Panel Discussion

Following webinars & panel discussion were conducted during the year:

  1. A webinar on Actuarial Science was organised on 20th October 2023, in collaboration with IMS.
  2. Panel discussion on “The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Different Fields of Commerce” was hosted on 17th October 2023, with Mr. Rishabh Nag, Atul Kulshreshtha, Mr. Ashwini Anand Pillutla and Mr. Akshay Bansal as the Panelists, The discussions revolved around AI’s role in startups, customer service and financial inclusion, emphasizing the continued importance of human analysis of AI-generated data. The seminar provided a comprehensive exploration of the multifaceted realm of AI, and its applications across various industries, and offered valuable insights for the attending audience.

ARDENT: The Tech and Analytics Society

(Convenor: Dr. Nisha Gupta; Co-Convenor: Ms. Neyati Ahuja)

  1. FUSION 2.0: a fun filled event where participants were engaged in enlightening discussions, creative workshops and the activities which encouraged personal growth and introspection.
  2. Workshop on  Artificial   Intelligence Workshop: Mr. Rahul Menon, a seasoned public speaker who illuminated the audience on AI’s pivotal role across diverse industries and the intricacies of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR). It was an enlightening journey ranging from unravelling the mysteries of machine learning to decoding the safeguarding innovation.
  3. AVISHKAAR ’24 – The Annual Fest: Avishkaar was organised on 26th -27th April 2024, encompassing events such as AI Cryptic Hunt, LA Bourse- Beat the Street and Creator’s Meet. The participants had an immersive experience and deeper understanding into the world of Technology, Finance and Content Creation.
  4. Live Projects were taken up with WISEFINSERV comprising a Team of 13 members from ARDENT SBSC and With IMPLEMENTORS having Team of 21 members from ARDENT SBSC.

MARKSOC: The Marketing Society

(Convenor: Dr. Ranjana Thakur; Co-Convenor: Dr. Saher Syed)

  1. Markade O: the promotional event of the society, was held on 26th August, 2023 with the participation of around 300 students. Major activities included wristwatch sampling stall, game booths, engaging contests like ‘Pictionary‘ and ‘Guess the Logo/Tagline‘. The event received generous support from gifting sponsor Budweiser ‘BINGE THE RING‘, an activity that encouraged the students to explore the campus and interact with peers.
  2. Orientation Ceremony of the Society was held on 4th September 2023 to introduce incoming freshers to the core values, objectives and activities of the society.
  3. LinkedIn & Cold-Calling Workshop was conducted on 18th October 2023 for the members of the Live Project and External Relations Department. It offered practical training in vital areas of Marketing and External Relations.
  4. A Canva workshop was held in collaboration with the College Entrepreneurship Cell (E-Cell) in the month of Ms. Heena Sheikh, the creator of Growthaholics and a renowned industry expert, gave the participants an insight into her vast experience and proficiency in visual storytelling.The workshop offered valuable learning opportunities in digital design.
  5. The annual article writing competition “Articulate O” was hosted on 17th February 2024 to showcase participants’ competence in marketing-related themes.
  6. Marktalks were organised through various coordinated sessions and interviews with marketing industry. In total four online and one offline session were held in the series. Dr. Sukriti Sekhri, a distinguished PhD holder in Marketing from IIM Ahmedabad and Mr. Vinayak Gautam, an entrepreneur and an expert in product marketing & financial analysis, shared their real-world experiences and insights with the students.
  7. The Annual Fest ELIXIR’s promotional event, held on 26th April 2024.
  8. Live Projects: Four live projects were initiated during the year, in collaboration with prominent organizations, each aimed at providing practical knowledge and operational insights to partnering with Unnati, Rrayze Business Solutions, SocioEZ, and ZXY Marketing, participants engaged in diverse verticals such as content curation, design, outreach, HR, business development, social media marketing, sales, and outreach. These projects facilitated hands-on experience in various aspects of marketing, including promotional activities, social media management, content creation, and client outreach.

180 DC: The 180 Degrees Consulting Society

(Convenor: Dr. Gunjan Singh; Co-Convenor: Ms. Prerna Soni)

  1. The society worked on 6+ live projects in collaboration with NGOs such as Seva Aur Sahyog, TeacFirst Foundation, Niveda Foundation, Fauji Ke Alfaaz, PACT, Pyaare foundation to name a few. 180 DC SBS College excels in Fundraising, Market Research, Social Media Marketing, Branding, Business Strategy, and Volunteer Retention.
  2. Published 7+ informative research reports such as 30-minute Road to profitability, The Indian 5 Great Revolution, Economics of Layoffs, etc.
  3. Mentorship Sessions were organised throughout the year, conducted by consultants from leading firms in the industry, including the MBB and Big 4. These sessions have provided invaluable insights, guidance, and networking opportunities to the members by helping them gain a deeper understanding of the corporate world and develop essential skills for their future
  4. 180 DC has made significant strides in enhancing its social media through strategic content creation, online engagement and regular updates of activities and achievements, society has successfully built a vibrant online community. 
  1. Inaugral Edition of 180 Impact Genesis, the Annual Fest of the society was organised on 26th April. 1st day had a strategy-based case competition, Arena 180, which received over 800 registrations nationwide, with the final offline round having seven finalist teams from Delhi University. 2nd day featured the launch of the Casebook, a comprehensive collection of case studies and solutions. Another event on the day included a networking mixer with over 45 participants from different consulting branches across various universities and colleges in Delhi. These events showcased the society’s dedication in fostering the innovation and social impact, solidifying its role as a catalyst for positive change.


Coming Soon