

(University of Delhi)

Accredited by NAAC with ‘A’ Grade

Department of Economics

Department of Economics

About the Department

The Department of Economics of Shaheed Bhagat Singh College (SBSC) offers under graduate programmes in Economics – B.A.(Honours) Economics and B.A.(Prog.) with Economics as Major and Minor. B.A. (Hons.) Economics is one of the most prestigious courses of the college and the University of Delhi. It attracts best students from all over the country. SBSC is one of the few colleges that offers B.A.(Prog.) with Economics & Commerce and Economics & Mathematics as subject combinations. The Department also offers Generic Electives (GE), Value Addition Courses (VAC) & Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC) to the students of other courses. General Elective (GE) offered by the department are the most popular GE in the college.

The Department was set up in 1967 with the very establishment of the college. At that time, the number of students rarely exceeded 40 with no female students and only 3 faculty members in the department. Over the 56 glorious years, the Economics Department of SBSC has not only grown in strength but also in reputation training the brightest of economics graduates who are well placed both at national and international platforms.

The strength of faculty members in the department has also increased to, 19 committed and dynamic teachers with specializations in various branches of economics and a tremendous research base. Total number of students in the department has also increased to 200, at present. The department has been able to attract a number of students from different parts of India. Our students have outperformed not only in academics but also in sports and other extracurricular activities.

In academics, but also in their overall personality enhancement. A brief glimpse of this includes the Economic Society now called ‘Ecospire’ has been playing the vital role in developing and showcasing the talents of the students in the sphere of economics while cultivating their interest and applicative ability. The annual Economics Fest, named ‘Econotise’, gives an opportunity to all the aspiring economists at intra as well as inter college/university level to participate in various activities like panel discussions, paper presentation, MUN, extempore, economic quiz etc., to enhance their pioneering ideas through interactions and debate drawing an overwhelming response each year.

The department also organizes national seminars, lectures series, workshops & webinars by eminent speakers and experts on contemporary economic issues. Along side this, department also organizes industrial visits, plantation drives and recreational tours which would help in overall personality building and raising environment sensitization.

The results of department grew exponentially on year on year basis. More than 50 % of our students have scored first division marks in their bachelor’s degree. Many alumni of the department have opted for higher education from prestigious institutions like Delhi School of Economics, Indian Statistical Institute, Jawaharlal Nehru University, IIMs, ISB and IIFT in India. Many of the students have joined international universities like London School of Economics, University of Scotland and University of Chicago for their masters and research. Our students are well placed in various think tanks in both government and corporate organizations.

The vision of the department this year is driven by a deep determination to uphold our commitment to disseminate knowledge and facilitate meaningful discussions in economics. In the light of the same the department this year proposes to initiate its own Research Journal, a separate ‘Arthnaya’: Economics Magazine cell, Economics Lecture Series and a dedicated economics Research cell. The department this year aims to dedicate itself towards introducing new and vibrant activities in economics thereby upholding the name and legacy of our esteemed department in particular and college in general.

Faculty Profile


Dr. Jai Ram Meena

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Mr. Arun Kumar Kaushal


Ms. Gurpinder Kaur (Teacher Incharge)


Ms. Lalita Ghera

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Mr. Anuj Goyal

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Ms. Saumya Kumar

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Ms. Mamta

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Ms. Priyanka Singh

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Ms. Jaspreet Kaur

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Dr. Nahid Parveen

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Mr. Deepanshu Yadav

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Mr. Pankaj Yadav

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Mr. Ashish Singh

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Mr. Naman Jain

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Dr. Saumya Verma

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Ms. Pallavi Manchanda

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Mr. Shubh Sejwar

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Dr. Amit Kumar Sharma

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Dr. Pragya Nayyar

Indian Journal of Economic Studies

The Indian Journal of Economic Studies is a Double-Blind Peer Reviewed Annual Journal of Department of Economics, Shaheed Bhagat Singh College (NAAC Accredited ‘A’ Grade College), University of Delhi. The objective of the Journal is to provide a scholastic platform to researchers, scholars and academicians associated with the field of economics and allied areas of research. The journal is published with the objective of information dissemination of research in economics and inter related domains. We publish research papers and articles that contribute significantly to the existing academic research. To ensure academic rigour and originality of submitted manuscripts, a double-blind review process is used. All submitted manuscripts undergo a two-stage review process. In the first stage, a preliminary review is done by the Editorial Team comprising distinguished faculty members of our department, having varied areas of interest and expertise. In the second stage, a blind review is performed by eminent economists and academicians.

Editor In Chief

Dr. Jai Ram Meena

Associate Professor,

Shaheed Bhagat Singh College (University of Delhi)

Editorial Team

Mr. Arun Kumar Kaushal

Associate Professor,

Shaheed Bhagat Singh College (University of Delhi)

Dr. Pragya Nayyar

Assistant Professor,

Shaheed Bhagat Singh College (University of Delhi)

Dr. Saumya Verma

Assistant Professor,

Shaheed Bhagat Singh College (University of Delhi)

Mr. Pankaj Yadav

Assistant Professor,

Shaheed Bhagat Singh College (University of Delhi)

Ms. Pallavi Manchanda

Assistant Professor,

Shaheed Bhagat Singh College (University of Delhi)

Ms. Saumya Kumar

Assistant Professor,

Shaheed Bhagat Singh College (University of Delhi)

Ms. Mamta

Assistant Professor,

Shaheed Bhagat Singh College (University of Delhi)


Call for Papers (Submissions Closed)

The Department of Economics of Shaheed Bhagat Singh College (University of Delhi), New Delhi, is pleased to inform the academic community that it is planning to publish the first edition of the Indian Journal of Economic Studies (IJES) in the second quarter of 2024. It is a double-blind, peer-reviewed annual journal. The scope of this journal includes research works pertaining to economics and related areas.

The editorial board of the journal invites research papers/articles with the following guidelines for the authors:

  • Authors can submit research papers/articles pertaining to economics and related areas. However, methodological and empirical papers would be given priority.
  • Authors are required to submit the manuscript in both Word and PDF formats. If the author is writing the manuscript in LaTeX, kindly submit the LaTeX file along with the PDF file.
  • The word limit is up to 6000 words, including everything (title, abstract, main body of the paper, tables, figures, references, etc.).
  • The font type and size must be Times New Roman and 12 points, respectively. Line spacing should be 1.5 for the text and 1 for the footnotes and endnotes, if any.
  • For the purpose of citations, follow the 7th edition of APA style referencing. For this purpose, Mendeley/Zotero reference manager software is recommended.
  • All figures and tables should be embedded within the text and editable format. They should be labelled and numbered properly along with the source. Equations should be numbered and typed in MathType.
  • The cover page should include title of the paper, name of the author and co-authors, name of the institution, contact number, email address and course/year of study (in case of student). The number of authors, including co-authors, should not exceed three. Correspondence will be done with the first author only.
  • Submissions must include an abstract of a minimum of 200 and a maximum of 300 words followed by a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 6 keywords.
  • The Acknowledgements and Declarations section should be after the text of the manuscript and before the references section. The declaration, as applicable, on funding, conflict of interest, authors’ contribution, data source, ethics approval, use of AI, etc. must be provided.
  • Plagiarism of any kind is strictly prohibited. This would lead to the rejection of entry in the first stage only. In this context, the University Grants Commission Regulations 2018 (Promotion of Page 2 of 3 Academic Integrity and Prevention of Plagiarism in Higher Educational Institutions), dated 23 July 2018, will be strictly followed. For this purpose, the Turnitin software or any other software, as per the guidelines of the University of Delhi will be used.
  • Author(s) whose paper is accepted for publication will be required to sign a copyright agreement, a declaration of originality of work and no plagiarism in the work.
  • Only original and unpublished entries will be considered for publication. Entries received should also not be a part of consideration for publication in any other form.
  • Different sections of the paper should be in the following order. These include the following:


    A general overview of the research needs to be presented, including an introduction to the area of research, topic of research, background of the research topic, etc. However, authors may write the introductory section of the paper according to the needs and structure of the paper.

Literature Review:

    Aspects such as the evolution of theory/thought/responses to a topic and personal reactions or thoughts on the same should be covered in this section. Additionally, a critical analysis of the existing literature on the research topic, with relevant references wherever applicable, is expected to be included in this section. The literature review needs to be followed by research questions and objectives of the study.


    Research methodology, techniques used, sampling methods, data sources and related aspects are to be included here.

Results and Analysis:

    The results of the study and their analysis and interpretations are expected in this section.


    This section should include the conclusions drawn from the study. The limitations of the study and the scope of further research in this area should be mentioned in this section.


    Each of the cited works in the text of the study must be included in the reference list in the referencing style recommended above.

We do not charge any processing fee or any other fee for publishing your contribution. All copyrights are reserved with the Department of Economics, Shaheed Bhagat Singh College, University of Delhi. The author(s) are accountable for copyright permissions if any. The views expressed in the article of this journal would be those of the author(s) and would not reflect the opinions of the college. The name of the journal is tentative. It may be changed at the time of registering for an ISSN number. The decision of the editorial board regarding the publication of papers/articles in the journal would be final.

The manuscript needs to be submitted by the first author only at In the case of any query, contact the Editor-in- chief at the contact details given below.

Dr. Jai Ram Meena (Editor-in-chief)
Associate Professor, Department of Economics
Shaheed Bhagat Singh College, University of
Delhi, Sheikh Sarai (Triveni) Phase-II, New
Shaheed Bhagat Singh College, University of Delhi-110017,
Mobile: 91-9868911743

Professor Arun Kumar Attree (Principal)
Shaheed Bhagat Singh College, University of
Delhi, Sheikh Sarai (Triveni) Phase-II, New
Shaheed Bhagat Singh College, University of Delhi-110017,

Research Projects

Coming soon


S. NoDepartmentNameBook TitlePublisherISBN/LinkYearIndexed if any
1.EconomicDr. Jai Ram Meenaव्यष्‍टि अर्थशास्त्र के सिद्धांत – II (Principle of Microeconomics-II)Book Age  Publications ISBN: 978-93-83281-45-9First Edition 2014, Second Edition 2016
2.Mr. Pankaj YadavAll’s Well that Ends in a Well: An Economic Evaluation of MGNREGA Wells in JharkhandInstitute for Human Development  ISBN: 97881883154822015
3.Mr. Naman JainTogether with CBSE Economics Question Bank and Study Material for Class XIIthRachna Sagar Pvt. Ltd.  ISBN: 9789356185777First Edition 2023, Revised Edition 2024
Together with CBSE Sample Papers for Class XIIthISBN: 9789358441840First Edition 2022, Revised Edition 2023
Together with CUET UG -2024ISBN: 97893584408052023
Together with PHYGITAL CBSE Question bankISBN: 97893584439362024

Student Achievments

Coming soon


  • The Economics Society’s Orientation session in September 2023 engaged 100+ students across various disciplines, introducing them to the recruitment process and addressing their queries.
  • A Movie screening of ‘Too Big to Fail’ delved into the 2008 US Financial Crisis, accompanied by a quiz.
  • An Eco-Visit to Gandhi Ashram intertwined economic and historical perspectives, offering a unique learning
  • The International Trade Data Workshop by Mr. Vipin Kumar aimed to enhance students’ skills in analysing trade data and policy-making.
  • A call for articles competition garnered entries from 300+ participants from prestigious institutions, leading to the publication of Arthanaya 2.0, focusing on ‘Rupee Going Global’ with insightful informations.
  • Lastly, the Economics Baithak fostered economic inquiry through book reviews and intellectual Econotize 2024 is planned in May 2024 with the goal to promote a deeper understanding of economic principles and foster intellectual discourse among students which is a source of excitement for the students every year.
  • Under the Special Economics Lecture Series, the Department of Economics organised special lectures on important topics in the domain of economics from and beyond the prescribed course curriculum of the University.
  • In this academic year, the following three special lectures were organised:
  • Lecture (in hybrid mode) by Prof. Lekha S. Chakraborty, Professor, National Institute of Public Finance and Policy, New Delhi, titled ‘Fiscal Policy for Gender Equality.’ was organised on on August 24, 2023.
  • Lecture by Dr. Pratap Mohanty, Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Indian Institute of Technology (Roorkee) was organised on October 10, 2023, on ‘Economic Impact of COVID-19-induced Lockdown on Rural Households’.
  • Lecture by Prof. Pulin B. Nayak, Professor (Retd.), Department of Economics, Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi organised on November 2, 2023, on the topic ‘A Reconsideration of Gandhian ’.
Arthshodh – Research Cell of Economics Department

Established in April 2023, Arthshodh, the Research Cell of the Department strives to foster research collaboration among students across all departments of the college. One of the major achievements of the cell was to conduct an extensive all-India primary survey to assess the educational impacts of the Covid 19 pandemic. The survey was conducted online and the research findings point towards significant negative effects of the pandemic on learning outcomes and mental health of undergraduate students. Additionally, students have been conducting extensive research using macroeconomic data sets, providing exposure to pan-all India and countrywide data sets.


Explorify: Research Lecture Series

A series of online lectures were conducted by faculty members of our college to inculcate research skills, to develop interest and awareness about research among students, and to develop their research acumen. Details of these sessions are as follows:

12 February 2024

Dr. Ashwani Agnihotri

(Assistant Professor, Department of Geography)

Exploring Research80
27 February 2024Ms. Priyanka Singh (Assistant Professor, Department of Economics)Research Design (Part 1)85
319 February 2024Dr. Nahid Parveen (Assistant Professor, Department of Economics)Research Design (Part 2)75
420 March 2024Mr. Anuj Goyal (Assistant Professor, Department of Economics)Survey Methods and Sampling Techniques80
  • A comprehensive workshop on research methodology was conducted for undergraduate students on the 7th November, 2023. The session was led by Dr. Amit Kumar Sharma and Nahid Parveen, Assistant Professors in the Department of Economics. The aim was to equip students with the foundational knowledge and skills necessary for conducting research effectively. This workshop served as a stepping stone for students embarking on their research journey, equipping them with the necessary tools to navigate the complex landscape of academic inquiry.
  • The Research cell organised an Online Paper Presentation event on 4th April, Witnessing a participation of more than 150 undergraduate and postgraduate students from esteemed colleges all over India. The event concluded in a total of 4 technical sessions with the themes: “Macroeconomic Policy”, “Environmental Policy”, “Role of AI in Social Sector” and “Contemporary Issues in World Economy”. Prof. Vijay Vir Singh, Vice Chancellor of Apeejay Stya University, was the Chief Guest of the event.


Coming soon