Name | Department | Publisher | Book |
Dr. Suman Bala |
English |
Fiction of Jhumpa Lahiri |
Dr. V.A.V. Raman |
Geography |
MALANA A TRANSFIGURED LANDSCAPE Book Age Publications,New Delhi ISBN:978983281565 Publication Date: 2015 |
Dr.Poonam Sharma |
Geography |
Structure and growth of Mega City , An Inter-Industry Analysis
Concept Publishing Company |
Dr.Poonam Sharma and |
Geography |
Sustainable Smart Cities in India: Challenges and Future Perspectives |
Dr. Vishwa Raj Sharma |
Geography |
Environment: Issues, Impact and Management |
Dr.Swati Rajput |
Geography |
Mirror of the World, |
Mirror of the World, |
Mirror of the World, |
A text Book Of |
A text Book Of |
Dr. Shiwani Arora |
Commerce |
E-Commerce-A New Business Tool, |
Dr. Shiwani Arora |
Commerce |
Dr. Ruchi Gupta |
Commerce |
S. Chand & Company Ltd. |
Dr. Noopur Agrawal |
Commerce |
Fundamentals of Retailing : Text & Cases published by Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai, India |
Dr. Sunil Tiwari |
Hindi |
Kitabghar,Delhi |
Dr. Bageshri Chakradhar |
Hindi |
Tansen |
Makrand Hee Thheek Hai |
Vyaavahaarik Sameeksha Kaa Pahalaa Kadam |
Sameeksha Maane Gyaan Raashi |
Dr. Kamlesh Kumari |
Hindi |
Samantwaad Aur Kabeer
Manav Moolyon Ki Avdharna Aur Sant Dadu Ka Kavye |
Pracheen Aur Poorvamadhyakaleen Kavita(co-edited) |
Uttarmadhyakaleen Kavita |
Text Book ‘Hindi Gadhye-A’ for B.A. (P) Sem-Ist Year, University of Delhi(co-edited) |
Text Book ‘Hindi Gadhye Sanchay -'A' |
Text Book ‘Hindi Gadhye Sanchay -'B' |
Text Book ‘Hindi |
Text Book ‘Hindi Gadhye Sanchay -'A' |
Text Book ‘Hindi |
Dr. Kumar Bhaskar |
Hindi |
Sanjay Prakashan, New Delhi |
Dr. Kedar Prasad Meena |
Hindi |
आदिवासी : समाज,साहित्य और राजनीति, अनुज्ञा बुक्स, 1/ 10206, वेस्ट गोरख पार्क, शाहदरा,दिल्ली-110032, ISBN-97893839662051,2014 |
आदिवासी विद्रोह : विद्रोह परंपरा और साहित्यिक अभिव्यक्ति की समस्याएं, अनुज्ञा बुक्स, 1/ 10206, वेस्ट गोरख पार्क, शाहदरा,दिल्ली-110032, ISBN- 9789383962143, 2015 |
क्रांतिकारी आदिवासी-आजादी के लिए आदिवासियों का संघर्ष (संपादित), साहित्य उपक्रम, ISBN:978818235,2012 |
Dr.Pravin Kumar Jha |
Political Science |
Bharat me Rashrawad |
Dr.Pravin Kumar Jha |
Political Science |
Indian Politics in Comparative Prespective |
Dr.Puja Anand Gulati |
Library |
Developing Sustainable Digital Libraries: Socio-Technical Perspectives, published by Information Science Reference, 701 E. Chocolate Avenue, Hershey, PA 17033, USA. |
Design, Development , and Management of Resources for Digital Library Services published by Information Science Reference, 701 E. Chocolate Avenue, Hershey, PA 17033, USA. |
Building Digital India: Enhancing Capacities through Libraries and
Information, published by Synergy Books India, New Delhi. |