

(University of Delhi)

Accredited by NAAC with ‘A’ Grade

IQAC Composition

IQAC Composition 2023-24

1Chief AdvisorDr. P.K. Khurana
2AdvisorProf. D.R. Saklani
3ChairpersonProf. Arun Kumar Attree
4CoordinatorDr. V.A.V Raman
5Deputy CoordinatorDr. Rishabh Gupta
6TeachersDr. Leela Joshi
Dr. Manju Tanwar
Dr. Vijay Vrat Arya
Dr. Vishal Garg
Dr. Ranjana
Dr. Shivangi Dhawan
7Co-opted membersMs. Subathra V
Dr. Divya Mehta
Mr. Amol Deepak Nerkar
Dr. Amrita Kaur
Mr. Ravi Yadav
8One Member from Governing BodySenior Teacher Representative
9Administrative OfficersMs. Pooja Bhardwaj
Mr. Aravind Kumar Varma
10One Nominee from Local SocietyMr. Ashish Garg (24×7 Care Foundation)
11One Nominee from StudentMr. Abhishek Rajhans B.A. (Hons.) Geography 3rd Year
12One Nominee from AlumniMr. Narinder Wadhwa (FCA)
13One Nominee from EmployerTreasurer, Governing Body
14One Nominee from IndustrialistMr. Rajneesh Kochhar
15One Nominee StakeholderMr. Feroz Khan
16One Nominee from UniversityProf. Amit Kumar Singh