Given below are some of the value added services and facilities being rendered from the highly renovated first floor of the library which offers a congenial environment for study and research:
Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC)
E-Catalogue through which any required book could be accessed either by Author, Title, Subject, Publisher, Year of Publication or any other key word.
Web-OPAC facility enables users to get bibliographic details of books on a specific subject and their status (i.e. On Shelf or Issued Out) even outside college premises. Remote access is available through the linkWeb-OPAC
Automated Circulation Services
Web-OPAC facility enables users to get bibliographic details of books on a specific subject and their status (i.e. On Shelf or Issued Out) even outside college premises. Remote access is available through the linkWeb-OPAC
E-Resource Centers
There are two E-Resource Centres in the library:
An E-Resource Centre for Faculty Members comprising of 13 PCs and 2 Printers.
E-Resource Centre for Students: A small E-Resource Centre has also been setup for students comprising of 6 PCs along with Printing, Scanning and Xerox facility.
These e-resource centres have been set up for providing uninterrupted access to the:
Bibliographical databases as well as full text databases available through University’s Intranet and INFLIBNET consortia.
Access to over 100 electronic resources from a large number of publishers and aggregators.
Internet based reading material.
The facility is also being used for viewing CD based reference and teaching.
For organizing Information Literacy Programmes from time to time.
Library is also organizing Information Literacy Programs through holding talks/workshops/seminar/orientation programs on topics of academic and research relevance from time to time. List of such programs organized by the library in the last two years are:
A talk on “Intellectual Property Rights and Avoidance of Plagiarism” on 27th March 2015. The talk was delivered by Professor T. C. James, President, National Intellectual Property Organization and Former Director IPRs, Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion, Government of India. The talk was also followed by a demonstration of Turnitin Software to check Plagiarism.
A Talk-cum-Workshop on “Measuring and Maximising Research Impact: The Emerging Matrix” on 11th March 2016. The speaker for conducting this workshop was Dr. Tariq Ashraf, Deputy Librarian and Head of South Campus Library, University of Delhi.
Apart from this, library also organizes Orientation Programs and provides assistance to faculty and students on E-resources as and when required.